Your assignment is due and you're cutting it close. Your ability to keep your body and mind calm and clear can keep the creative juices flowing. How? Take frequent mindfulness breaks.
Mindfulness is your ability to remain aware of the present moment Cheap Isaiah Johnson Jersey , of what is going on in and around you right now. Worry about the future (will I make the deadline?) and anger about the past (why did I procrastinate?) are just two common feelings that take us out of the present moment. Returning your attention to the present moment can calm these feelings so you can get the job done with clarity.
The best way to stay in the present moment is to take mindfulness breaks. I have a clock in my home that chimes on the quarter hour. Each time it chimes, I stop, turn my attention to my breath and observe my in-breath and out-breath for three cycles or more if I need it to feel calm. I train people to use their breath as their anchor to the present moment. It is always with us as long as we are alive, and it is always in the moment. You can't breathe in the past or the future!
The telephone is a helpful bell of mindfulness. I stop what I am doing and follow my breath for two rings before answering. Not only do I feel calm, but I greet my caller with presence instead of interruption or distraction. Even sirens can be a mindfulness break. You can think of many more.
You can install a bell of mindfulness on your computer. You can set it to chime randomly Cheap Maxx Crosby Jersey , on the hour or on the quarter hour. Download it at are a fact of life. Deadline stress does not have to be. By connecting to the present moment via your breath, you can remain calm and meet your goals with greater ease.
Do you love working with your hands and have an interest in cars? Do you drive a Chrysler or think the Chrysler company seems like a good one to work for? Do jobs like automotive service technician, service writeradvisor, service manager, instructorprofessor and auto company representative sound like they may appeal to you? If so Cheap Trayvon Mullen Jersey , you may want to consider attending Centennial College's Chrysler apprenticeship. Successful students earn an Ontario College diploma, have eight months of practical, on-the-job, co-op training in a Chrysler dealership and complete their entire Ontario apprenticeship in-school curriculum within two years.
To apply for the undertaking, officially known as Automotive Service Technician Chrysler Co-op Cheap Johnathan Abram Jersey , students must have completed at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or General Educational Development (GED) or equivalent. They may also be required to present a resume and transcript for faculty review. In addition, these future Chrysler technician may be required to fill out a questionnaire and attend an interview. Note that English proficiency and satisfactory results in a program admission session will also be considered during the admissions process.
The Automotive Services Technician program, of which Chrysler Canada Inc. is a valuable partner, will prepare students for an exciting future as a skilled professional in the transportation field, one of Canada's largest industries by ensuring they have a well-rounded knowledge of all aspects of Chrysler vehicles. This training starts at Ontario's largest automotive training centre Cheap Josh Jacobs Jersey , Ashtonbee campus, which is fully equipped with the latest Chrysler equipment and tools. In addition, other transportation programs are facilitated out of the same facility, allowing for peer interaction and networking.
Students spend the first eight months of the Chrysler apprenticeship in school, eight months in co-op as a registered apprentice and a final eight months in school. When they are in school Cheap Clelin Ferrell Jersey , students focus on certain aspects of the vehicle, meanwhile when they are with their employer they are apply this knowledge, gain real-world experience and interact with customers. To be more specific, the in-school aspect of the Chrysler apprenticeship, combines theory and lab experience Oakland Raiders Jerseys For Sale , while focusing on Chrysler product. Among automotive courses included are: Workplace Practice and Procedures (five topic areas are covered: fasteners, bearing and seals, oxyacetylene operation, computer fundamentals); Engine Systems (introduction into the principles of operation and the terms related to the internal combustion engine); Suspension Steering & Brake Systems (looks at course kinetic energy, handling dynamics Raiders Jerseys For Sale , frames types and damage, friction, steering designs, and more); and others, including a unique advanced electrical and electronics diagnosis course. In addition to these Chrysler apprenticeship product courses are theoretical ones — Employment Pre-Placement Cheap Oakland Raiders Jerseys , Occupational Health & Safety, Organizational Behavior, Communications for Professionals in the Automotive Industry and Fixed Operations Management.
he U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects job growth in Automotive Service Technology to grow by 14 percent from 2006 through 2016.
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